

Cooper Labs can be your absolute one-stop-shop for your mobile app. We can take your app idea from design phase, all the way through launching a marketing campaign for your newly released app, and everything in between.

Examples of services that I can provide:

  • Product Branding & Design

  • Database & Server Management

  • UI / UX Design

  • iOS App Development

  • Cyber Security

  • Advertising & Marketing

  • Continued development and support after initial release

There is no such thing as a “one size fits all” solution when it comes to making quality apps for your users. Having a custom tailored app will help ensure that your users associate you and your brand with a quality and enjoyable experience.


The Process

Introductory & Exploratory Session

Ironing out specifics and details of a mobile app product can be extremely difficult if you don’t have any prior experience. This session is all about exploring what your idea is, and how that can translate into your future app. This is where we will discover and document the high level features and talking points, as well as all the way down to the nitty gritty of design preferences, marketing strategies, and much more!

During this discussion, we will come up with your MVP (Minimum Viable Product), this is the set of features that your app needs to be a functional product for your first release. This MVP is what we will be working towards, and any further features will quickly follow.

Design & Mockup Phase

After our introductory session, I will convert your product idea into design sketches and high-fedility mockups so that you can present to friends, coworkers, or even investors.

At this point, we will discuss any feedback that you may have, as well as any changes that you’d like to make. This phase is the perfect time to collect feedback before development begins.


This is where the magic happens. Cooper Labs will take the designs and mockups and begin creating your app! This is the longest phase in the entire process, and involves an open channel between us for constant dialogue and feedback.

After every major feature and milestone within your app, I will upload a private beta version of your app so that you, as well as any stakeholders, can install and see progress as it happens! Providing you with this test-version allows you to see constant and real progress, as well as obtain feedback from any stakeholders you may have.

This constant cycle of feedback is crucial, as this allows quick minor changes to be made as we go.

Release & Marketing Campaign

Once we have completed the MVP for your app. The app can be released to the public for everyone to start using! If you would like assistance with marketing your app and getting it into peoples hands, that service can be provided as well.

Ongoing Development & Support

Following your successful app launch, you may want to begin planning and releasing updates with more and more features from your original idea. This phase is where we discuss and begin that process.

To schedule your Introductory & Exploratory Session for your app idea, reach out and we can set up an appointment!